Documentary: Stone Wall Trees 2040
紀錄片: 石牆樹 2040

Banyan seedlings survived on the masonry retaining walls accidentally. As time goes by, Stone Wall Trees are now all over the city, becoming a part of Hong Kong’s neighborhood.
榕樹幼苗意外地在石砌擋土牆上倖存下來。 隨著時間流逝,石牆樹現在遍布整個城市,成為社區的一部分。

One early Sunday morning, the government arrived at Bonham Road in Pokfulam to remove two 80-year-old “wall trees” due to risks of failure of the wall the trees grew on. After a long negotiation and debate on site, these two old members were taken away from the neighborhood.

What is the future of the Stone Wall Trees? This is a critical moment to set the table for the discussion of alternative futures from all different perspectives.
石牆樹的未來是什麼? 現在就是關鍵的時刻,所有不同的角度,探討石牆樹的可能性。